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We are aware that bullying, in its various forms, can cause anxiety and unhappiness for those subjected to it and we have developed a policy and procedures to help prevent and, where necessary, deal positively with the problem. Essentially this involves:

  • alerting staff to the need for vigilance;
  • advising pupils on appropriate action if threatened
  • using opportunities within the curriculum to lead pupils to understand the unacceptability of bullying behaviour
  • establishing procedures for dealing with incidences of bullying
  • inviting the co-operation of parents as appropriate.

The basic message is, “if you are being bullied, tell someone”.

Racist behaviour of any kind is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.  We have a school policy which deals with both the perpetrator and the victim.  If your child is on the receiving end of racist behaviour, or if they witness racist behaviour, he/she should tell someone.

If you have any concerns, you should contact your child’s Guidance teacher or Year Head. Bullying, racism and victimisation of any kind is not acceptable.

The school adheres to the Highland Council Positive Relationships & Bullying Prevention Guidance for Children & Young People

Contact Us

Culduthel Road
01463 667800