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Dress Code

We are always aware that school uniform may have a cost implication for families, and we are keen to avoid this. In fact, one of the key principles of our school uniform policy is that it should be as affordable as possible.

This has become even more important given the cost-of-living crisis that families continue to experience.

Our policy has choice and flexibility. 

Key Uniform Items

  • black, white, or blue shirt/blouse
  • black trousers
  • school tie
  • New: black or white polo shirts (either with a school badge or plain black or white to reduce costs)
  • black knitwear (either with a school badge or plain black to reduce costs)
  • black skirt 
  • New: black or grey tailored shorts (no sports shorts)
  • New: black non-see-through leggings (no logos)

For those who would like to continue wearing the school badge you will be able to purchase a black jumper or cardigan with the crest and wear this with a shirt and school tie. Pupils are also able to wear a black blazer and the school badge but this is optional apart from S6 prefects.

It is our expectation that all pupils should come to school in mainly black footwear. By black footwear, I am referring to conventional school shoes. However, in an attempt to keep costs as low as possible, trainers that are black or white will also be acceptable. In bad weather, particularly in the winter,  pupils might need to wear alternative footwear. This, however, will be the exception rather than the rule.

Parents and Carers are reminded that there is a grant available to assist in the funding of school uniform; details can be found at

Financial help for school wear can be claimed if you are receiving any one of the following:

  • Income support
  • Income-based Job Seeker’s Allowance
  • Income-based Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Universal Credit (where their monthly earned income is not more than £796)
  • Child Tax Credit, but not Working Tax Credit, where their income is less than £19,995
  • Both Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit where their income is not more than £9,552
  • Pension Credit Guaranteed Credit
  • you are 16 to 18 years old and receive any of these benefits in your own right
  • you have no access to public funds, normally due to immigration status
  • you are a family awaiting your first monthly Universal Credit award notice

The School Clothing Grant is £154 for Primary School children and £165 for High School children.

Do not be embarrassed or put off from applying for a clothing grant! You are entitled to this support and many parents & carers already claim support. This information is always dealt with sensitively and confidentially.

If you need to purchase any badged uniform items or a tie, this can be done either at 

15-17 Henderson Road,

Longman Industrial Estate,



Opening hours:

Monday - Friday 7.00-17.00 

Saturday 8.00-12.00


We hold a small stock of ties in the school office that currently cost £5. 

School Uniform Bank

We also have an extensive school clothing bank made up of new and ‘pre-loved’ minimally used items of uniform. Please contact the school office in the first instance on 01463 667800 to arrange an appointment to browse and collect uniform. Be absolutely reassured that your call will be dealt with sensitively and confidentially and can be arranged outwith school hours if necessary.

Uniform Checks

Be assured that young people will be supported where appropriate to make the right choices and, if this not successful, a number of consequences will follow.

Senior managers will throughout the school year carry out uniform spot checks on year groups.

What happens for those pupils not wearing school uniform is dependent on the reasons for not wearing it.

The consequences will take account of a pupil’s individual circumstances. For those affected by poverty, we’ll help them access clothing grants and our school uniform bank. For those affected by sensory issues, we’ll seek some compromises around clothing items. For those who don’t really have any excuse then it might be a meeting with parents/carers, or it might be ‘catch up time’ (otherwise known as detention in the past). Or it might be both.

Check out our School Uniform Video here





Contact Us

Culduthel Road
01463 667800